Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gentlemen Enjoying Jameson With Other Gentlemen

What? You're still Icing Bros? How passé dawg, that ish was soooooooooo May 2010. In the here and now we roll a little classier, some might say a little better. We don't mess around with that namby pamby Smirnoff hooch. We go for the fucking throat. We play Gentlemen Enjoying Jameson With Other Gentlemen.

The rules are simple:

When presented with a glass of Jameson, the gentleman must sit and leasurly sip the jameson, unless of course the gentlman being Jamesoned is able to counter with his own glass of Jameson; where by the original Jamesoner must sit and sip two glasses of jameson while listening to calssic jazz music. Also: all conversations must contain at least one use of the word "supple".

Internets, do you thing. Icing Bros is a blasé activity from a bygone era played by the bourgeois. Now it's time for the common man to rise up and prank like a Gentleman should: by Enjoying Jameson With Other Gentlemen.

hat tip to Alex Swaekauski for this and all his many other inspired ideas.

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