Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To Do: Tuesday August 19th, 2008

In order to be a true adult one must be able to confront their fears. For some people that's organized labor, for others it's the fear of heights, for Dave Canseco it's a bee sting. Today Dave confronts his fear, and today Dave is a real man.


Nacho Friendly said...

This is crysurbating at its finest. Amazing work.

Indyreject said...

I request video reviews for the forthcoming "My Own Worst Enemy" Monday Nights on NBC.

Hats Bagelman said...

is that a reality show featuring animals? That's really more my thing.

Micki said...

OH NO! You better not have killed Mr. Beeface, Dave! Noooooooo!

BTW there are a lot of amazing things about the intro video, but my favorite part is that "somebody" was crysturbating outside, near a somewhat busy street, at Oakcrest.